It's all about Gasica...

Well there’s a lot about Gasica this month!  On November 5th he and Rayyan married.  Rayyan was a Rotary Scholar who studied in the USA for a year and she’s been involved with ZL4LF for many years. We’re delighted to offer congratulations to them both and send all good wishes for their life together.

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Gasica’s long-awaited visa to Canada came through!  He had applied for a visa a few years ago, but was denied.  As many of you know, Gasica is not one to give up!  He thought that having visited the UK would put him in a good position to get a visa to visit Canada and it did!  He arrived in time for the Daraja Gala Dinner where he made a motivational presentation to the great and the good from Calgary Society.  Significant funds were raised that will be put towards Gasica’s exciting project to build a new primary school where he can put into practice his great teaching methods.  If you’d like to find out more about the Daraja Foundation, please follow the link below:

Gasica’s going to be busy over the next 2 months, speaking at Rotary clubs, schools and other organisations including Calgary’s Bicycles for Humanity, who regularly ship containers of bicycles to Zanzibar for ZL4LF to renovate and sell.

Meanwhile, back in Zanzibar, our volunteer Mushtaq was joined by his wife who enjoyed helping with lessons for the older students. We are also delighted to report that Maria will be working in Unguja Ukuu at the Primary school until at least mid-January.  She is a German-native speaker and will be running German lessons at ZL4LF, taking over from a volunteer who is returning home.  It’s quite amazing how one person arrives just in time to fill the gap caused by someone leaving. Please do recommend our volunteering opportunity to your family and friends.  Ideally we like volunteers to stay for 2-3 months and to have a teaching certificate (eg TEFL) or experience working with children. Please visit our website for more information.

This month we are also raising funds through the “Double your money” scheme from The Big Give.  If you’d like to make a really valuable donation towards Gasica’s new school, please visit this link: